Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact Christine Mansfield
Phone: (203) 269-2624
DTS CEO Leads Church Ministry
December, 2009- WALLINGFORD - Record Journal Newspaper Article - In the middle of Mass Sunday, the Rev. Gary Simeone looked out into the congregation at Most Holy Trinity Church and asked for young volunteers to help with a homily about Thanksgiving.
Getting the church community's children more involved with the church is part of a new effort through a monthly family Mass.
"I think it's good for children to take part in the Mass," said Sabrina Schiano, 13, an eighth grader at Holy Trinity School who participated by reading aloud.
Organizer Christine Mansfield said Sunday's family Mass was the church's second. She said the response from the congregation and the children has been positive.
The family Mass includes having children do readings, bring up the gifts for communion, join the priest at the pulpit to bless the gifts and to form a choir to sing in the balcony.
"In this economy I think our community could use another uplifting support message," Mansfield said. "It lights a little fire for the children and it is something a little different for adults."
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